Arrested Gels: Dynamics, Structure and Applications Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 23-25 March 2015

The RSC/SCI Colloids Group was pleased to announce a meeting for academia, industry and students to link the latest research on colloidal gels to tomorrow’s applications in the captivating and inspiring atmosphere of Cambridge. Colloidal gels are complex materials that when suitably designed give the performance and function to a wide range of advanced modern day products. Fundamental to designing such materials is understanding the interplay between interparticle forces on the molecular level and mesoscopic and macroscopic phenomena of network formation, mechanical properties and time-evolution. Understanding how all these components behave and interact together was the focus of this colloquium.

The following line up of excellent international speakers headlined the program: Dr. L. Berthier (Montpellier), Prof. D. Bonn (Amsterdam), Prof. L. Cipelletti (Montpellier), Dr. W. Frith (Unilever), Prof. P. Schurtenberger (Lund) & Prof. H. Tanaka (Tokyo).

The flyer for this event can be downloaded from this link.


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