Author: admin

Rideal Lecture (28 March 2012, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge)

The Rideal lecture is an annual award given by SCI’s Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group and the RSC’s Colloid and Interface Science Group.

The recipient of this years Rideal lecture is Geoff Maitland. He studied Chemistry at Oxford University where he also obtained his doctorate in Physical Chemistry. After a period as an ICI Research Fellow at Bristol University, he was appointed to a lectureship in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College in 1974. In 1986 he moved to the oil and gas industry with Schlumberger. He rejoined Imperial College in September 2005 as Professor of Energy Engineering and his current research covers clean and efficient fossil fuel production. Geoff was awarded the Hutchison Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers in 1998 and served as President of the British Society of Rheology from 2002-2005. He was recently awarded the IChemE Chemical Engineering Envoy Award for 2010 for his media work explaining the engineering issues involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil-spill.

A flyer for the conference can be downloaded from this link.

McBain Medal Award Lecture (12 December 2011, SCI HQ, London, UK)

The McBain Medal is an annual award by the Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group of the SCI and the Colloid and Interface Chemistry Group of the RSC to honour a younger scientist who has made a meritorious contribution to colloid & interface science.

This one day meeting incorporated the award of the McBain medal to Prof Adam Lee, who is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Cardiff University and an EPSRC Leadership Fellow. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge, UK, where he studied with R M Lambert. After a Post-Doc in Cambridge Adam was appointed to lectureships at Hull (1997), and York (2003), where he co-founded the new surface chemistry and catalysis group, before moving to Cardiff in 2009. His research spans the breadth of colloid and surface chemistry including new surfactant-templated architectures, spectroscopic techniques for studying chemical dynamics at metal and metal oxide surfaces, the application of synchrotron radiation to in-situ and time-resolved studies of surface chemical processes and the surface modification of novel biomaterials.

A flyer for the conference can be downloaded from this link.

Innovation in Colloid Formulation: Secrets of Formulation III (16th November 2011, SCI, London)

Designing colloidal formulations is an exceptionally complex process that requires a combination of scientific knowledge, experimental skill, experience, imagination and enthusiasm. Combining these with the correct inspiration can produce innovative colloidal systems and solutions to problems.

A flyer for the conference can be downloaded from this link.


Malvern Instruments

Zinsser Analytic


McBain Medal Award Lecture (12 December 2011, SCI HQ, London, UK)

The McBain Medal is an annual award by the Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group of the SCI and the Colloid and Interface Chemistry Group of the RSC to honour a younger scientist who has made a meritorious contribution to colloid & interface science.

This one day meeting will incorporate the award of the McBain medal to Prof Adam Lee, who is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Cardiff University and an EPSRC Leadership Fellow. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge, UK, where he studied with R M Lambert. After a Post-Doc in Cambridge Adam was appointed to lectureships at Hull (1997), and York (2003), where he co-founded the new surface chemistry and catalysis group, before moving to Cardiff in 2009. His research spans the breadth of colloid and surface chemistry including new surfactant-templated architectures, spectroscopic techniques for studying chemical dynamics at metal and metal oxide surfaces, the application of synchrotron radiation to in-situ and time-resolved studies of surface chemical processes and the surface modification of novel biomaterials.

Who should attend?

This meeting will be suitable for academia and industry, in particular researchers with interests in chemical engineering aspects. The breadth of the meeting will also make it suitable for students who wish to get an insight into the range of current research.

A flyer for the conference can be downloaded from this link.

Sir Eric Rideal Travel Bursaries

The Sir Eric Rideal Travel Bursaries are a joint bursary between the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry.  It provides funds for attendance at a conference in the field of colloid and surface science.

Sir Eric Rideal (1890-1974) was the founding Chair of the RSC Colloid and Interface Science Group.

The Rideal Trust annually offers financial assistance to promising academic research workers in the general field of colloid and surface science to attend conferences and/or to visit relevant research institutions.

Awards of up to £500 will be made on a competitive basis to assist with travel and/or subsistence and/or conference registration fees.

There are two closing dates for applications each year:

15 April (for travel planned between 1 June and 31 December)

15 October (for travel planned between 1 December and 30 June).

Please contact the SCI Awards department for further information.

Capturing Colloids

Capturing Colloids II (11-12th October 2011, Manchester, UK)


This meeting was for chemists that regularly use microscopes and image capturing techniques as a tool and people that specialise in developing microscopical and image capture techniques within the colloids area. We discussed leading edge science in the fields of Microscopy, Image Analysis and Colloid Science. The meeting was an enjoyable interactive event with invited speakers, posters and a conference dinner.

The flyer for the conference can be downloaded from this link.


You can become a member by joining one of the two groups:

SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group (CSCG).

RSC Colloid & Interface Science Group (CISG).

The former is open to SCI members only. The latter is open both to RSC members and associates AND to scientists and engineers who belong, either, to a chartered professional or learned body from outside the chemical sciences, or to another chemical society with whom the RSC has entered into an international partnership agreement approved by RSC Council. Non-RSC members of CISG pay RSC a small annual fee to cover administration and postage.

For information on how to become a member of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) or Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) please see the links below: 

Non-members of RSC wishing to join CISG should contact the RSC Membership Dept. (contact details at, asking to join the Colloid & Interface Science Interest Group, only, and mentioning their own affiliation.  The membership administration fee is £10 currently. In case of difficulty please contact a member of the Joint Committee.

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