Making and breaking colloidal assemblies: Using chemical, physical, and mechanical stimuli to control soft matter

McBain Medal Meeting 2018

SCI, Belgrave Square, London, UK Tuesday 11 December 2018

Organised by SCI’s Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group and RSC’s Colloid & Interface Science Group

This meeting was for both industrial and academic researchers, particularly those from colloid chemistry, soft matter physics and chemical engineering backgrounds working in functional, responsive, and self-healing materials; controlled release; tuneable soft materials and soft actuation. The meeting  focussed on fundamental aspects that underpin applications in formulations, catalysis, soft robotics, nanomaterials processing and more.  In addition to hearing great presentations and the opportunity to contribute a poster, there was plenty of scope for networking to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Synopsis This meeting showcased outstanding soft matter scientists describing some of their recent research in a programme constructed by Dr Valeria Garbin of Imperial College London.  Dr Garbin is the 2018 recipient of the McBain Medal and her lecture and the presentation of the award conclude the meeting.  Dr Garbin’s research programme focuses on fundamental aspects of microscale transport phenomena in soft and biological matter. Her team has performed the first measurement of steric interactions between nanoparticles at fluid interfaces, discovered new mechanisms of the removal of nanoparticles from fluid interfaces, and pioneered the use of optical tweezers to manipulate biocolloids for ultrasound medical imaging. The McBain Medal is presented annually to an early career researcher (within 15 years of the award of a PhD) for outstanding achievement in colloid and interface science. 

The full program can be found in this link.


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