McBain award lecture and symposium, Tuesday, 12th December 2017, SCI, London

Watching colloids work

The McBain medal is awarded annually by the RSC/SCI Joint Colloids Group to recognize a rising star in colloid and interface science. The 2017 McBain medal awardee is Dr Rico Tabor (Monash University). This meeting showcased some of the latest work in colloids that respond to external stimuli, and state-of-the-art techniques to ‘watch them work’, with applications in areas as diverse as smart water treatment and functional foods.

The meeting was held on Tuesday, 12th December 2017 at the SCI in London and included talks from

• Prof Julian Eastoe, University of Bristol, UK

• Prof Alex Routh, University of Cambridge, UK

• Dr Isabelle Grillo, Institut Laue-Langevin, France

• Dr Sarah Rogers, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, STFC, UK Prof Ray Dagastine, University of Melbourne, Australia

• Prof Charl Faul, University of Bristol, UK

The meeting will conclude with the award lecture from Dr Rico Tabor. A dedicated poster session will also give students the opportunity to present their work.

A flyer for the event can be found at this link.


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