McBain Awards Day SCI, London, UK Tuesday 8 December 2015
Professor Rachel O’ Reilly from Warwick University has been awarded the 2014 McBain medal for her pioneering research in novel polymeric nanoparticles, responsive materials and controlled self-assembly. The 2015 McBain medal has been awarded to Professor Giuseppe Battaglia of Univerity College, London, for his work in developing novel functional polymers for biomedical applications, design rules for self-assembly of soft-matter and the development of colloidal systems for drug delivery. Both winners were presented with their award at the McBain meeting on 8th December at the SCI Headquarters in Belgrave Square. Additionally invited speakers at the symposium were:
- Prof Tony Ryan, Sheffield University
- Dr Oscar Ces, Imperial College
- Prof Steve Armes, Sheffield University
- Prof Stefan Bon, Warwick University