The Sir Eric Rideal Lecturer for 2013 will be Professor Jeffery Penfold of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Professor Penfold has made three major scientific contributions to surfactant, colloid and interface science. The first is that he and Hayter were the first people to formulate a strategy and the necessary analytical methods for the quantitative interpretation of neutron small angle scattering data from micellar solutions (these methods are still the main ones used). Second, with colleagues at Unilever, he pioneered the development of shear methods in conjunction with small angle scattering. Thirdly, he played a major pioneering role in both the instrumental and methodological development of neutron reflectometry, now widely used for studying interfaces of all kinds. Professor Penfold is much in demand as an invited contributor to scientific conferences around the world.

Prof. Penfold gave his Rideal Lecture at the symposium concentrating on scattering techniques and their applications 18-19th March 2013 at Keble College.


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