2nd Annual Early Career Colloid Meeting

16-17th September 2019, Loughborough University

The ECCo meeting 2019 aimed to bring together early career colloid scientists from industry and academia and provide a forum for discussion networking and facilitate knowledge exchange. This 2 day meeting in Loughborough aimed to join newly appointed (within 10 years of first appointment) academics and industrialists, research fellows and postdocs and include plenary and contributed talks, a poster session and panel discussions (e g providing advice on how to ‘bridge the gap’ between academia and industry).

For a flyer for this event please visit this link.


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SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group (CSCG).  http://www.soci.org/Membership-and-Networks/Technical-Groups/Colloid-and-Surface-Chemistry-Group

RSC Colloid & Interface Science Group (CISG). http://www.rsc.org/membership/networking/InterestGroups/colloidscience/

The former is open to SCI members only. The latter is open both to RSC members and associates AND to scientists and engineers who belong, either, to a chartered professional or learned body from outside the chemical sciences, or to another chemical society with whom the RSC has entered into an international partnership agreement approved by RSC Council. Non-RSC members of CISG pay RSC a small annual fee to cover administration and postage.

For information on how to become a member of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) or Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) please see the links below:

http://www.soci.org/Membership-and-Networks http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/index.asp 

Non-members of RSC wishing to join CISG should contact the RSC Membership Dept. (contact details at http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/Contacts.asp), asking to join the Colloid & Interface Science Interest Group, only, and mentioning their own affiliation.  The membership administration fee is £10 currently. In case of difficulty please contact a member of the Joint Committee.

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