Okinawa Colloids 2019

3-8 November 2019, Okinawa, Japan

The joint RSC/SCI colloids committee is delighted to partner with The Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (DCSC) of The Chemical Society of Japan as part of the OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 international conference. The OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 conference is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the divisional meeting of the DCSC and will provide one of the finest opportunities for researchers worldwide to discuss the latest developments across the multidisciplinary fields of colloid and interface sciences, while also enjoying the tropical atmosphere of Japan’s southern island.


You can become a member by joining one of the two groups:

SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group (CSCG).

RSC Colloid & Interface Science Group (CISG).

The former is open to SCI members only. The latter is open both to RSC members and associates AND to scientists and engineers who belong, either, to a chartered professional or learned body from outside the chemical sciences, or to another chemical society with whom the RSC has entered into an international partnership agreement approved by RSC Council. Non-RSC members of CISG pay RSC a small annual fee to cover administration and postage.

For information on how to become a member of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) or Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) please see the links below: 

Non-members of RSC wishing to join CISG should contact the RSC Membership Dept. (contact details at, asking to join the Colloid & Interface Science Interest Group, only, and mentioning their own affiliation.  The membership administration fee is £10 currently. In case of difficulty please contact a member of the Joint Committee.

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