9th Annual MIBio Conference

MIBio 2019: Stability of Biopharmaceuticals – From molecular interactions to successful products

13th November 2019, Downing college, Cambridge

The MIBio conference series engages world leading experts from industry and academia in a discussion on how the latest molecular interaction based discoveries can be exploited in biopharmaceutical formulation to produce more effective, patient-friendly and safer therapeutic products.

The biopharmaceutical product development landscape is rapidly changing. There are an increasing number of novel product modalities, including multi-specific antibodies, RNA based products, fusion proteins or various types of gene and cell therapies. Each of those products poses specific and different challenges that need to be addressed in the development process. In addition, stronger focus on patient-centric product strategies, increasingly more complex regulatory requirements and patent coverage further contributes to the challenge of developing robust drug products. MIBio 2019 will focus on discussing these challenges as well as strategies to overcome them, particularly focusing on protein-protein interactions, formulation, drug product development and competitive product profiles.

We attracted 95 delegates from industry and academia creating a stimulating event fostering new collaborations and discoveries that will help steer the development of the next generation formulation technologies. 

For more information please visit the conference website here: www.mibio-conference.com


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http://www.soci.org/Membership-and-Networks http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/index.asp 

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