7th Annual MIBio Conference

MIBio 2017: Stability of Biopharmaceuticals – From Molecular Interactions to Successful Products, 4th October 2017, Downing College, Cambridge

The MIBio conference series engages world leading experts from industry and academia in a discussion on how the latest molecular interaction based discoveries can be exploited in biopharmaceutical formulation to produce more effective, patient-friendly and safer therapeutic products.

MIBio 2017 attracted 80 industrial and academic research attendees to create an interesting and stimulating event fostering new collaborations and discoveries that will help steer the development of the next generation of formulation technologies. 

For more information about the upcoming MIBio2018 event when it announced please follow this link: www.mibio-conference.com

MIBio 2017 is organised by the Formulation Science and Technology Group (FSTG) and the Joint Colloids Group (SCI) of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) together with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS).

UK Colloids 2017 International Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, 10-12 July 2017, Manchester

This was the third colloid science conference in this series that was held in Manchester from July 10th – 12th 2017. It was jointly organized by the RSC Colloid and Interface Science Group and the SCI Colloid and Surface Science Group and provided a perfect opportunity for UK and international researchers interested in colloid and interface science to meet, present and discuss issues related to current developments in this field.

Plenary and keynote speakers Plenary speakers are Professor Debora Berti (University of Florence and Centre for Colloid and Surface Science, Italy), Professor Vinny N Manoharan (Harvard University, USA) and Professor Paul Mulvaney (University of Melbourne, Australia). Professor Joseph Keddie (University of Surrey, UK) will be giving the Thomas Graham Lecture. The meeting also attracted an impressive list of international keynote speakers, full details can be found on the website.

Meeting themes include: • Wetting • Nanoparticles • Foams/Bubbles/Emulsions and microemulsions • Colloidal suspensions • Programmable self-assembly • Biocolloids and Biointerfaces • Charcterisation of Formulated Products • Colloidal Physics • Formulation Science and Engineering

Social Events The conference dinner was held at the world famous Old Trafford the home of Manchester United. The evening will start with a drinks reception in the fascinating museum. Other social events include a welcome and pre-registration event in the Power Hall of the Museum of Science and Industry. Where some of the machines were running. There were also poster sessions at Manchester Central with a chance to network with other delegates and the exhibitors.

The Venue

We selected Manchester Central as the venue for Colloids 2017. Manchester Central is an award-winning venue in the heart of one of Europe’s most vibrant cities. Its vaulted arches and station clock have made Manchester Central an iconic city feature for over 130 years.


Manchester is the European City of Science 2016 – recognition of its unique scientific heritage and contribution to scientific discovery, innovation and industry. From Rutherford splitting the atom almost 100 years ago, to Alan Turing’s ground-breaking work with computers, to more modern world firsts such as the test-tube baby, bionic eye implant and the isolation of graphene – Manchester has a great science story to tell.

For more information visit www.ukcolloids.com or email ukcolloids@constableandsmith.com

A flyer can be found at this link.

Organising Committee

Richard Greenwood | Birmingham University | Conference Chair

Peter Griffiths | Greenwich University | Conference Treasurer

Paul F Luckham | Imperial College

Shirin Alexander | Swansea University | Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship

Dwaipayan Chakrabarti | Birmingham University

Colloid Young Researchers’ Meeting, 10 April 2017, University of Sheffield, UK

This event was designed to support PhD students, post docs and new industrialists to showcase their new findings and techniques in colloid, surface & interface science. It was organised by SCI’s Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group, RSC’s Colloid & Interface Science Group and Sheffield Colloid Network.

Confirmed Speakers/Panellists

Dr Gemma-Louise Davies, University of Warwick

Dr Kuhan Chellappah, BP

Dr Becky Welbourn, ISIS

Dr Ellen Meek, EPSRC

Organising Committee:

Dr Seung Yeon Lee, The Joint SCI/RSC Colloid group

Sheffield Colloid Network

A flyer with more information can be found at this link.

Assembly and pattern formation in complex soft materials, McBain Medal meeting, 27 March 2017, London

The McBain medal is awarded annually by the RSC/SCI Joint Colloids Group to recognize a rising star in colloid and interface science. This year’s awardee is Dr João Cabral (Imperial College London), for his outstanding work on the thermodynamics and assembly of colloid and polymer mixtures, and the design of functional materials via interfacial instabilities. An enthusiast of scattering, his team and collaborators have pioneered the use of neutron and X-rays to study flow processing of complex fluids in complex microfluidic flows.

Below is a photo of Dr Joao Cabral from Imperial College receiving the McBain medal during the meeting at the SCI.

For more information please visit this Link

Rideal lecture and symposium 2017, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, Tuesday 4th April 2017

Professor Daan Frenkel was the 2017 Rideal Lecturer. The Rideal Lecture is awarded jointly by the RSC Colloid and Interface Science Group and SCI Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group, to recognise a sustained and distinguished contribution to colloid and interface science in the UK (photograph below).

A one-day symposium was held at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge on Tuesday 4th April 2017. The symposium featured contributions by Willem Kegel, Richard Sear, Zorana Zeravcic, Roel Dullens, Erika Eiser and Rosalind Allen and finished with the Rideal Lecture.

We gratefully acknowledge support from CCP5 and from BP for this symposium.   Alex Routh Jeroen van Duijneveldt

For synopsis of the Rideal Lecture, please follow this link.

Secrets of Formulation IV, 10th January 2017, SCI, London, UK

Organised by SCI’s Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group and RSC’s Formulation Science and Technology Group and Colloid & Interface Group

This meeting was for scientists interested in soft matter and its application. Each speaker was an outstanding scientist with experience of a different industry. Speakers described the high-quality science underpinning products in the context of the challenges that their industry faces, which can range from product performance to regulation. Each industry has different constraints (cost / purity / safety / shelf life etc.). Application environments can range from ambient (agrochemical) to inside the body (pharmaceutical) or to extremes of temperature and pressure (oil). These differences mean successful formulations require innovative and excellent use of colloid, polymer, surfactant and interfacial science.

For a flyer please use this link.

6th Annual MIBio Conference, 9th November 2016, Magdelene College, Cambridge


The MIBio conference series engages world leading experts from industry and academia in a discussion on the latest advances in biopharmaceutical formulation. This year there was a special emphasis on creative use of formulation to support novel drug-device combinations and product formats, including new formulation approaches, use of computational techniques in product optimisation and discussion of regulatory implications.

More details about this event and previous events can be found on – www.mibio-conference.com

Organising Committee

Jan Jezek (Arecor)

Nicholas J. Darton (Arecor)

Tejash Shah (GSK)

Stephen E. Harding (University of Nottingham)

Particles at Interfaces, Royal Armouries, Leeds, 7-9 September 2016

The RSC/SCI Colloids Group organised a meeting for both academia and industry colleagues to link the latest research on interfacially-active particles to current and future applications in the captivating and inspiring atmosphere of the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds.  

Adsorption and desorption of particles at liquid-liquid and liquid-gas interfaces have formed an expanding part of colloidal science and technology over the last 15 years. Their applications as emulsion and foam stabilisers are starting to find their way into various formulated products. This meeting will address several different aspects of this topic, including the synthesis of interfacially-active particles, the characterisation of their behaviour at interfaces, their use as Pickering emulsifiers and as building blocks for functional materials.

Future Applications of Small-Angle Scattering to Soft Matter

5 May 2016, STEAM – Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon, UK

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is a uniquely powerful tool for characterising a broad range of soft matter and it is 17 years since the SCI/RSC Colloid Groups have held a meeting in which the technique took centre stage. In the intervening years the availability and capability of neutron sources, and their SANS instruments, have changed enormously. With construction of the €2bn European Spallation Source already underway in Sweden (to which the UK is a contributor) even greater promise awaits the Soft Matter community in the second half of the next decade.

This meeting focussed on state-of-the-art applications of SANS across a range of Soft Matter systems, and the future scientific opportunities that will come from new facilities, new instruments, and technical advances.

The meeting also celebrated the retirement of Dr Richard K Heenan, principal scientist in SANS at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron & Muon Source. During his distinguished career Richard has helped author over 300 publications (attracting over 5000 citations to date), the majority in the field of Soft Matter. He is a world authority on time-of-flight SANS, and has helped conceive and design several SANS instruments. However it is perhaps as the author of the FISH model-fitting software, which hundreds of small-angle scatterers in academia and industry have used to interpret their data over the years, that he is most widely known.

For more information please visit this link

McBain Awards Day SCI, London, UK Tuesday 8 December 2015

Professor Rachel O’ Reilly from Warwick University has been awarded the 2014 McBain medal for her pioneering research in novel polymeric nanoparticles, responsive materials and controlled self-assembly.  The 2015 McBain medal has been awarded to Professor Giuseppe Battaglia of Univerity College, London, for his work in developing novel functional polymers for biomedical applications, design rules for self-assembly of soft-matter and the development of colloidal systems for drug delivery. Both winners were presented with their award at the McBain meeting on 8th December at the SCI Headquarters in Belgrave Square. Additionally invited speakers at the symposium were:

  • Prof Tony Ryan, Sheffield University
  • Dr Oscar Ces, Imperial College
  • Prof Steve Armes, Sheffield University
  • Prof Stefan Bon, Warwick University


You can become a member by joining one of the two groups:

SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group (CSCG).  http://www.soci.org/Membership-and-Networks/Technical-Groups/Colloid-and-Surface-Chemistry-Group

RSC Colloid & Interface Science Group (CISG). http://www.rsc.org/membership/networking/InterestGroups/colloidscience/

The former is open to SCI members only. The latter is open both to RSC members and associates AND to scientists and engineers who belong, either, to a chartered professional or learned body from outside the chemical sciences, or to another chemical society with whom the RSC has entered into an international partnership agreement approved by RSC Council. Non-RSC members of CISG pay RSC a small annual fee to cover administration and postage.

For information on how to become a member of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) or Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) please see the links below:

http://www.soci.org/Membership-and-Networks http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/index.asp 

Non-members of RSC wishing to join CISG should contact the RSC Membership Dept. (contact details at http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/Contacts.asp), asking to join the Colloid & Interface Science Interest Group, only, and mentioning their own affiliation.  The membership administration fee is £10 currently. In case of difficulty please contact a member of the Joint Committee.

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